Erbil: on 11/7/2016 , Ms. Bayan Sami Abdulrahman ,the KRG representative to USA visited the Erbil chamber of commerce and Indus and received by Dr.Dara Jalil Khyat the president of the chamber. 

In a meeting attended by Mr.Baqi Muhamad Hadi , and Mr .Saddradin Kamal the members of the board of directors of the chamber ,the sides talked about the economic situation of Kurdistan region and haw to consolidate the relation with USA .

Dr. Khayat indicated to the lately visit of the Kurdistan commercial delegation to USA and described the visit as important.

He said .” We should take benefits From the American experience in all the fields . Hitherto ,there is no such KRG nod of benefit of all the business field except opening the branches of a number of American restaurants , hotel brands and importing a number of auto car  models .” 

Dr .Khayat also indicated to the economic crises as a hindrance to obstacle the businessmen s important projects and plans .


Ms .abdulrahman hailed the role of the chamber for Their efforts to build up business and commercial relation for Kurdistan region . 

She emphasizes on the important of having USA businesses branches in the region and to try to have more . She said that the US priority for now Is ISIS combat ,but they continue efforts to try to not let the economy, education and cultures fields be ignored a cause of this  imposed war. 

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Erbil: In the context of Their visit to USA ,the Kurdistan commercial delegation visited Dakota state ,and they were received in the airport by the official of public relations of the Minot city . 

On 27/6/2026 , the delegation visited the governor of the city . The sides talked about the economic situation of the city . The governor said that the state set out to invest in oil sector six years ago . They have a plan to diversify the economic resources ,not depend only on oil . They plan to develop agriculture and food industry . 

Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the head of the Kurdistan delegation , talked about the economic situation in Kurdistan, asked the traders of the city to come to invest in Kurdistan region . The governor of the city reiterated the willing of the city to support Kurdistan and asked business leaders in Kurdistan to pls to diversify the resources of the region ,not to stay oil dependable. 

At the same day , the delegation visited the commercial forum of the city , they were received by officials in the forum ,and the both sides talked about the strengthening of commercial relations. 

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Erbil: On 22 /6/2016  the Kurdistan commercial delegation , which was included the presidents of Erbil, Duhok , Sulaimanyah  and Kirkuk chambers of commerce and a number of members of the boards of the Chambers ,met Mr.Zalmay Khalilzad the former USA ambassador to Baghdad .

Mr .Khalilzad said in the meeting that Kurdistan went through more difficult situation , that is why he is upbeat about the future of the Kurdistan region . He expressed his support to Kurdistan and hailed role of the Peshmarga .

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Erbil: On 23/6/2016 , the Kurdistan commercial delegation visited the KRG representative office in Washington , welcomed by Ms .Bayan Abdulrahman ,the KRG representative and the staff . 

The sides talked over the matter of strengthening commercial relation with United States .

Ms.Abdulrahman talked about the KRG efforts to build best kind of relationship with USA institutions and to incite the USA companies to open branches in Kurdistan Region . 

Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of Erbil chamber and the head of the delegation expressed appreciation for KRG representative efforts in this regard . 


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Wednesday, 13 July 2016 08:41

Kurdistan commercial delegation visited USA

Erbil: On 21/6/2016’ a delegation of the presidents of Erbil, Duhok , Sulaimanyah  and Kirkuk chambers of commerce and a number of members of the boards of the Chambers visited United stated of America to attend a special program in the field of economic development.


The program was lasted for Ten days , included oil and gaze sectors management , variation of economic resources and subjects have benefit to Kurdistan economy development. 

The delegation was in ivited by Mr.Jozepgh Benkinto , who was served in Kurd region as counsel general , currently he is in charge of Iraq affairs at the US department of state.

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