You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Sunday, 14 April 2013

Erbil: On 8/4/2013 In the presence of Mr.Fidaadin Gardy the administrative member of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,the representative of KRG  Ministry of Trade ,a number of the Chamber cadres, an expanded meeting took place at the Chamber s meeting hall with the Iraqi trade ministry s ,national committee of Iraq membership in World Trade Organization, the meeting was to activate the mechanism to enter Iraq as a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Mr.Gardy  welcomed the members of Iraqi delegation ,hoped this meeting be a step forward to activate efforts ,and achieving the goal.

Then Mr.Ali Abdulrazaq Alkuhli and Mr.Muhamad Rashid Aljburi , the two official specialist of the file  The External Economy Department in Iraqi Ministry of trade talked about the required steps and best procedures to m

ake Iraq  member of the organization ,

 they have  focused on the staging of the foundation of WTO ,which was founded in the aftermath of the second  world war ,The number of members ,and the membership procedures .

They mentioned information about (Special National Committee ) which is including 35 members from the related departments and ministries in Iraq and Kurdistan Region ,to activate the efforts .

Worth mentioning that Iraq participated in the first foundation meeting of this international organization ,then withdrew, after 2004 the  efforts returned back to   Iraq membership in WTO.

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Erbil|;On8/4/2013 ,Mr.Soran Abubakir Azizi deputy president of the Chamber ,has received a delegation from Universal Leaders Company from Kuwait .

Mr.Azizi welcomed the delegation , and said that ,after the ouster of Saddam s Regime, Kurdistan entered a new stage of development and progress. ,crowned by a stability ,security and economic progress.


" This region is different from the other parts of Iraq ,in terms of security ,and economic development ,also is leading some countries in the region in this regard." He added.

Mr. Deputy president of the Chamber  guided the guests to the instructions of opening a company or a branch in the region and starting investment here in Kurdistan ..

Mr.Khalid Walid  Alwazin the head of the delegation and the owner of most of the

Companies shares ,thanked the Chamber of the warm welcome and talked about the nature of the company ,which is investing in the field of general contracting and general investment has the intention to participate in Kurdistan Reconstruction process ,to the benefit of Kurdistan and  Kuwait peoples.

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