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Erbil On 12/23/2013,Mr.Fidaadin Mohammad Amin Gardi, board member of the Erbil  Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,in the office of the Chamber .,welcomed the  representatives of fourteen Turkish company, specialized in various economic and trade fields , headed by Mr. Osman Dmier chairman of the Turkish Asiad organization  , who is visiting the region , accompanied by representatives of a number of companies to study the trade status quo in the region , was welcomed by Mr. member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber, then presented an explanation on the dimensions of the business and the laws in force in the region , and expressed the readiness of the Chamber to provide possible assistance to enable Turkish companies to open branches in Kurdistan to join their peers from Turkish companies working in the region.


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Erbil:On 19.12.2013, Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat ,President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry,  in the presence of a number of members of the Board of Directors of the Chamber and the owners of the commercial interests has met  Mr. Joseph Benicton U.S. general- consul ,based  in the region , the President of the Chamber  welcomed the Guest and wished him and the team working with him success  and progress, as to enhance trade and economic relations between the United States and the region , and stressed the importance of the consulate to facilitate the procedures for entering the owners of commercial interests and businessmen from the Kurdistan Region to the United States to enable them to convergence and meeting with their counterparts in order to strengthen trade relations between the two countries .

In a speech to Mr. General Consul, expressed his thanks and appreciation for the warm reception and hospitality and the role of the Chambers of Commerce in promoting these relations , then pointed to the measures to be taken by the consulate in order to attract the largest number of U.S. companies to work in Kurdistan and the promise of overcoming difficulties to enable businessmen and owners of commercial interests of Kurdistan for the  entry to the United States.

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Erbil: On 17.12.2012 Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry , in his office  has received Mr. Yasuque Achika Managing Director for Foreign Trade of the (JETRO) Organization of Japan - the Office of Istanbul ,and his accompanied delegation , who visited the Chamber in order to discuss ways to enhance trade and economic relations with the region and the role of the Chamber of Commerce in this regard, in addition to the notification  from his organization , to hold  business forum in Erbil on 02.25.2014  ,will be attended by the owners of the commercial interests of the region and Japan .

Mr. President of the Chamber was pleased by this meeting and welcomed the idea ,expressed his willingness to cooperate and support for the success of the event to achieve business cooperation for the both economic , as the two sides discussed how to strengthen trade relations between the region and Japan

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Erbil On 12.12.2013: Mr. Mullah Majeed Sadiq  board member of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry , at the headquarters of the chamber ,received  representatives of a large number of Iranian companies participating in the Iranian  Trade Fair held in Erbil , headed by Iranian official of  Iranian companies in the Iranian consulate in Erbil , the two sides discussed ways of trade cooperation and the importance of strengthening these relations , as highlighted on the type and nature of the goods of Iran issued to the Kurdistan  Region, also raised a set of problems. faced by these companies resulting from trade dealings with the region , starting from the border.

Mr. member of the Board of Directors promised to study these problems in preparation for submission of them, to government officials to develop a fair settlement of mutual benefit .

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Erbil: On 12.10.2013, Mr.Dara Jalil Khayat  the president of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,has received  Mr Simona Marinescu Mdurmerkz THE Director  of Istanbul center of the United Nations Program for Development for Private sector development.
Mr Simona was visited the chamber  to discuss matters of economic development projects and activities of the private sector and the role of the Chamber of Commerce in this regard ,was representing the mentioned center which is coordinating

between large companies and medium-sized private sector in order to communicate to enable them to benefit from the experience of these companies , to serve the economies of the Kurdistan region , as Mr. Director of the Center displayed  some of the paragraphs of his program for the year 2014, where the request of the President of the Chamber, that there will be a special session to study this topic,to be held in the second week of next January .

The visit was welcomed by the President of the Chamber , and praised the idea of the center , wished success and progress to serve the humanitarian mission undertaken by this international organization.

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