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The government got information about the businessmen problems

Published in news Tuesday, 07 November 2017 10:19

Erbil: On 1/11/2017, Mr. Nawzad Hadi the governor of Erbil, visited the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and received by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of the Chamber, deputies and the members of the board of directors. 

The Governor, was visited the Chamber to be further enlightened about the obstacles and halts that facing the businessmen and traders and the owner of business interests in Erbil. 

The president of the Chamber stated that" the Erbil businessmen as the siblings of the city were very responsible and proudly served the city despite the last turbulent circumstances that the region went thorough it, and it was on the very to return back to the first square. We want to stay steady by the support of the government to solve the problems." 

He emphasized that this is requiring from the government to do facilitations for the businessmen not increasing the taxes. 

Dr. Khayat said" we as the representative of the traders should reach the problems to the relevant government officials." 

Then, the members of the board talked about the most significant problems of the businessmen and the way of solution. 

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