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The second Agenda of economic affaires offered to the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government

Published in news Wednesday, 21 November 2012 08:05

Erbil:On 17 October,2012 ,in a ceremony been held in the Chamber s Social and Cultural Center ,the second Agenda for Kurdistan Region was offered to the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government .,which was prepared by the Kurdistan Information and Strategic Research Center(KISSC). The ceremony was held in attendance of Dr.Ali Sindi the Minister of Planning of KRG ,Mr.Nawzad Hadi the Governor of Erbil ,Mr.Dara Khayat the Head of Kurdistan Federation of Chambers of Commerce ,representatives of Erbil ,Duhok ,SulaimanyaH Chambers ,Civil Society and Media Institution representatives ,University Profs ,academic personalities ,representatives of foreign consulates. At the beginning of the ceremony Mr.Aras Qadir Khoshnaw ,,the head of KISSC Center gave a speech talked over the works done by the center in Corporation with International Projects Center CIPE, and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce , by exchanging ideas with Academics and Experts ,during recent years, that led to the preparation of this Agenda by 3 stages ,which is addressing the obstacles facing the Economic situation in the Region. Dr.Ali Sindi the representative of Kurdistan Prime minister in the ceremony gave a speech talked about the history of public and private economic sector and there development after the establishment of Kurdistan Parliament and government in 1992, Said "The private sector taken it is own path ,and reached this current level " The private sector could solve many problems in the Region ,for example Electricity." He added. He indicated that the investment ,law now going under amendment ,hence we are focusing very much on Agriculture and industry projects in the Region." Mr.Sindi promised that the government will take the recommendations in the agenda as very important ,and made them as it s long term plans. Mr.Nawzad Hadi the governor of Erbil gave thanks to those participated in the preparation of the agenda, he said "it is the fruit of many meetings and seminars. onThn the economic situations and obstacles ,were existed previously ,now the situation in the Region has changed ,and the individual income and the value of investment have increased, KRG s policies have led to a suitable atmosphere for foreign investment ."Then Mr.Khayat gave a speech he indicated to the first agenda ,which was prepared before 5 years and he said " Fortunately now we are having the second agenda ,we Expecting from the KRG to issue recommendations to solve the addressed problems ,.the incitement by the government is very important for us as traders ,we a touching this incitement from the 7th Cabinet of KRG ." Mr.Muhamad Alaadin the director of CIPE office in Iraq gave SPEECH ,AND THE Agenda offered to the representatives of the government ,which is A book in Kurdish ,Arabic and English addressing the obstacles facing economic development in Kurdistan in different areas .   

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