You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Monday, 25 February 2013

SulaimaniaH: On 19.02.2013 the board of Directors of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry Headed by Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat  has participated in Iran's economic Festival, which was held in the city of Sulaymaniyah under the supervision of the business and commercial companies from the Iranian city of Isfahan, has participated in the festival Advisor to the President of Republic of Iraq  for Economic Affairs in addition to the deputy governor of  Sulaymaniyah, deputy governor of the city of Isfahan and Mr. Khosrow KAsaeyan President  Of Isfahan Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,and Mr. Yasin Rahim Faraj, General Director of Iraq - Iran Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Mr. Ayad Abdel Halim President of the Dohuk Chamber of Commerce and Industry .
Mr. President of the  Erbil Chamber in his speech emphasized that  this festival is just an extension of the forums and economic conferences held in the Kurdistan region, most recently, not the last was  Kurdistan - Iran expanded Economic Conference which was held in Erbil late last year under the auspices of Mr. Nechirvan Barzani, the Prime minister of Kurdistan Regional Government , and  in the presence of a number of Iranians senior, officials  and economists has ,Mr. President of the Chamber shed light on the Investment Law No. 4 of 2006 and the importance of  doing investment by Iranian businessmen because includes the facilities and guarantees and privileges to foreign investors, and ended his speech by wishing this Festival to be a good omen for the economies of the region and neighboring Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Erbil: On 18.02.2013 Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat President  of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,at his office ,interviewed by a media team of the (GL TV) channel Dutch News Channel , whom visited the Chamber to get to know about work and activities of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where Mr. President of the Chamber mentioned about  the duties and activities of the Chamber  is to support and attract foreign investment to come to  the region, taking about the  advantages and  the facilities and privileges provided by the Law Investment No. 4 of 2006, which given freedom to foreign investors, similar to locals to benefit from the facilities and privileges granted in the provisions of the law, in addition to logistical support provided by the Chamber for its members, which their  number is  in tens of thousands.

Mr. President of the Chamber on the same day  also met with a team of  the U.S Foundation (Harvard BusinessReview). intends to issue a bulletin on the evolution of global investment in the Kurdistan region and the proposed projects implementation as well as the successful style adopted by the Regional Government in the development and the execution of  their development programs.

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