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Erbil Geography


Erbil is one of the cities of Kurdistan, located in northern Iraq or southern Kurdistan, because the northern part of Kurdistan within the boundaries of the Turkish state,and the eastern part of Kurdistan, is located within the boundaries of Iran , the western part of Kurdistan which lie within the limits of the Syrian state due to the distribution of Kurdistan on territory of those States.

Erbil lies between the lines cross (45-35-37) and linear (43-45).
It is between the two rivers big and small.
The city of Dohuk and the Turkish state in the north in the south of Erbil is Kirkuk, the city of Sulaymaniyah and Iran in the east and the west there is the city of Mosul.

Highest point in Erbil is the castle, which up to a height of 414 m on sea level.
The city is characterized by their mountains regions and plains in the south.
Of the most famous mountains Safin, korek, Hendrin, Hsarost. There is a large and broad plain in the south of the city characterized by fertile and easy to grow wheat and barley in it.


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