You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Thursday, 13 August 2015

Erbil: On 09.08.2015 , An Iranian Trade delegation from Iran Trade Program organization headed by Mr.Ali Shahid Bahroz visited the Chamber ,and welcomed by Mr.Majid Jalal  a member of the board of directors of the Chamber .

The aim of the  visit  was strengthen of commercial ties with Kurdistan Region via Erbil Chamber of Commerce .

The head of the guest delegation stated that " this organization currently working for the strengthen trade ties  between Tabriz city and the Iraqi cities in the fields of agriculture ,industry and tourism,its going to expand to the all Iranian cities in the near future."

He has disclosed that ,the commercial exchange between Tabriz and Iraq reaches to 6 million $ annually; the lion share in this commercial deal is for industry . 

He said ,they are going to open their organization s branches in all Iranian cities and Erbil ,Baghdad and Basra in Iraq ,to  enhance this amount of trade .

Also he stressed that ,they can support any one to become an agent of any Iranian Company ,or do trade deals between Iraq and  Iran .

Mr.jalal expressed happiness ,hoped for them success ,expressed the Chamber readiness to offer all possible assistance for them. 

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Erbill:Under the patronage and sponsorship  of Turkey s Ministry of Economy ,fro the period of 26-29/10/2015 ,The Turkish -Arabic Forum will be held in Turkey.


  The Forum will be held in Izmir City ,in the participation of more than 150 Arabic and Turkish Companies ,working in the fields of apparel industry , tanner,Textile .

For those companies are wishing to participate ,have to visit the Erbil Chamber to complete the participation procedures ,and the subscription fee is 175Euros .

which is including1-staying in Shiraton -Izmir Hotel 2- Breakfast ,Launch ,dinner 3-Transpotation from the Airport to the hotel  and returning back  4-Translation .


For more information kindly visit the Relation Department of The Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry 

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Erbil: On 3.08.2015 , A delegation of Kurdistan -Egypt Friendship Association  Head by Dr.Shari Khalid Marruff and a number of Founder members of the association visited Erbil Chamber .

This visit was in the context of the Chamber relation and corporation with those organization, that are aiming at  expanding Kurdistan Relationship with abroad .

In a meeting with Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat ,the president of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,the sides discussed the membership conditions and the foundation conference of the association.

The Association decided  in this meeting to start to take membership application for the period three month to complete the required  number, And to held  the foundation conference after that to select the board of directors.

The sides decided to hold another meeting to assess their works and plan .

The mentioned association was founded  on 18.11.2013 , in Erbil but could not develop as required because of the recent events that took place in Kurdistan.  


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