You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Sunday, 20 August 2017

Erbil: On 13/10/2017, the Conference of the transportation projects in 2030 will be held by the Egypt municipalities in Cairo. 

The traders and the business owners of The first grad and excellent level who wish to participate they can contact the Erbil Chamber until 31/8/2017. 

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Erbil: On 23/7/2917, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry received Mr. Muqbil Sadiq Dabagh the president of the Mosul Chamber of Commerce, for talking about the re foundation of the Mosul Chamber and stepping toward reviving the trade activities. 

The Mosul trade leader in the name of the Mosul Chamber thanked the Erbil Chamber for the attitudes and support, he emphasized that the Erbil Chamber has been supporting them always and in every fields. 

Dr. Khayat, reassured the president of The Mosul Chamber about continuing the supports to any kind of projects leading to the progress of Trade in Kurdistan Region and Iraq. 


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Erbil: Mala Majeed Surchi the deputy president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry  made a statement for NRT TV on the participation of Kurdistan businessmen in Mosul reconstruction Process. 

He said" we recommended the members of the Chamber to pay visit to Mosul and see closely the details of reconstruction of the city, as yet around 100 companies expressed willingness to participate." 

" there are no obstacles in the way of participation, but it requires the participant companies to be registered in Baghdad, in case of having any hurdle we will support our members to having them resolved." He continued. 

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Erbil: On 13/07/2017, An Italian companies Leonardo Colombo and Barawi Company which is based in Kurdistan were signed an agreement with the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 

Hello n a ceremony held in the Chamber Library Hall, the agreement was signed in the presence of Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of Erbil Chamber, the agreement extends to energy and agriculture fields. 

Mr. Baraw Kawa Mahmoud the owner of Baraw company said" the company that we are partnering with, is of the grandest companies in Italy, it provides Italy with wire and electricity, recently they are working on two huge projects on of them located in US California state which works on providing electricity through the car tires" 

He continued " we were in negotiation for about one year, after they came to Kurdistan they found the environment suitable for investment." 

Regarding the context of the agreement, he indicated that includes the fields of generating electricity through solar energy and the food leftover, and that they start their common project in Erbil, later the expansion to another cities to be decided. And, said that the political consensus between Kurdistan Region and Italy encouraged them to take this decision specially stepping toward establishing an independent state of Kurdistan. 

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