You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Monday, 12 February 2018

Erbil: On 30Jan,2018,  Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce And Industry, welcomed Hu Hy The China Consul for Economic and Commercial affairs in Erbil.

In a meeting, the both sides talked over the strengthening of commercial ties and Ibrahim Sofy, Soran Abu Bakir the deputies of the president, Jawhar Khidir, Fidaadin Muhammad Amin, Saddradin Kamal, Tahir Mawlud, Abdulkareem Mustafa and Kamal Aziz the members of the board of directors of the Chamber presented in that meeting. 

The China Consul said" We would like to consolidate the commercial ties with Kurdistan Region. Tow international exhibitions will be held in China during the next month, hope that large delegation from Kurdistan companies participate in those exhibitions." 

Then, the President of the Chamber indicated to the availability of the business opportunities in many sectors in Kurdistan Region which is an incentive to the Chinese Companies to come into the Region.

Dr. Khayat, expressed the readiness of the Chamber to support the Chinese businessmen and businesses to visit the Region, and a trade delegation from the Kurdistan Region will visit China soon to participate in exhibitions and visit the Chinese Chambers and governmental relevant establishments. 

The attendees asked for more facilitations in visa granting process to the Kurdistan businessmen  when they apply for visa. 

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Erbil: On 29 Jan,2018, The DRC - Danish Refugee Council held an expanded meeting at Juhaina Hotel in Erbil for the partners of the project of assessing the markets in Kurdistan and identifying the available sectors for investment and business.

The Organization tends to fund small projects based on the identified sectors through this project and also the Organization will fix its agenda premised on the result of this project. 

Mr. Abdulwahid Taha the economy expert and the director of Media Department of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, represented the Chamber as the Chamber represents the private sector and the Erbil Chamber made many required information about market, economy and opportunities available for the organization in the course of the study procedures. 

In the end of the meeting, the participants analyzed the outputs of the study, they exchanged ideas to further enrich the study. 

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Erbil: On 29, Jan2018, a delegation from the Iranian General Consulate headed by Myrtaza Abady the Iran Consul General in Erbil visited the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, welcomed by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of the Chamber and a number of the board of directors of the Chamber. 

The Iranian diplomat disclosed the aim of his visit which was to talk about opening more border crossings between Iran and Kurdistan Region. 

During the meeting, Mr. Murtaza indicated to the different sort of problems which the traders are  facing them in the border crossing points like slow crossing procedures and procrastination, the difference in the prices among the border markets, having not enough space for truck parking. The Consul attributed the load on some of them while others are unoccupied to the difference of the level of performance of the staff of the each one. He hoped the both side together be able to arrange the work hours in those border points through the establishment of a joint committee. 

Furthermore, the diplomat hoped for more good exchange between the both sides, and said that they encourage the Iranian businessmen to come and establish investment in Kurdistan and the Kurdistan traders to visit Iran and look for joint investment with Iranian investors. He expressed the readiness of the Consulate to offer facilitation.

Then, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry confirmed that there are some problems in the border crossings, hoped to be solved as soon as possible and said" our goal is to strengthen relations with Iran, while we already have strong relations in all of the areas, the Chambers have good relations, the exchange of the trade  delegations will be start again ." 

" A somewhat exceptional situation affected the trade movement between the both side but we will retrieve the normal situation soon." He added. 

And, in the end he asked the Iranian businesses to come to do investment in the Kurdistan Region. 

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Erbil: On on 24Jan 2018, a delegation from the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been in Budapest the capital of Hungary to participate in an international agricultural Fair. 

The delegation was headed by Mala Majeed Surchi the deputy president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

 After participation in the Fair, they were visited the Hungary Chamber to talk about strengthening of mutual relations and paving the way for trade delegation exchanges.

And, Mr. Frances Miklushi the deputy president of the Hungarian Chamber expressed that his country does welcome this kind of relations with Kurdistan Region. 

Later, the delegation visited the mayor of Budapest, there, they discussed the sectors that are available in Kurdistan for investment. Also, they discussed the project of the convert of heavy water for reuse and recycling of garbage and using it as a source for energy.

The members of the delegation were, Ibrahim Mala Sofy the deputy of the president, Tahir  Mawloud the member of the board of directors of the Erbil Chamber and Azad Sherwani the manager of the Erbil Chamber relations department. 


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A Meeting with the Kurdistan Region High Committee of Economy 

Erbil: On 8Feb, 2018, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President Of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the presence of Sirwan Muhammad and Ayad Hassan the deputies of the President of the Chamber held an expanded meeting with Othoman Shwani the Secretary of the Kurdistan Region High Committee of Economy, Abdulla Akreyi the official of the relations between Kurdistan Region and Iran, and a number of other officials in the mentioned Committee. 


The attendees talked over Three main topics, the First was the consolidation of commercial relations with the world countries, especially, Iran and Turkey. And, they discussed the ways to strengthen these relations. The Second, developing ways to motivate the markets in Kurdistan to break recession.

The Third One is emphasized on lunching the studies and researches on the industrial and factories projects and the development of agricultural and touristic projects in the Region. 

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