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Saturday, 20 November 2021 09:48

The Saudi Consulate General visited the Chamber

Erbil: On 15th November, 2021, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the presence of the deputies and member of the board of directors received Mohammed Bin Salman the consulate general of Saudi Arabia Kingdom in Erbil.

 In a meeting, Dr. Khayat said that the Chamber has good relations with the Arab countries, and Saudi is important for the Region, as there are big and influential companies in this country.

He said: So, we are looking forward having great business ties with the Saudi Kingdom. 

The Saudi diplomat said: We are here to help the Kurdistan Region, we try to make it possible for the Saudi companies to invest in the Region. And, also we have now the authority to issue visa during 24 hours for the Region businessmen; we planning to open a number of visa issuance centers. 

He continued: It's very important to the Region to develop the banking system. 

The Saudi Commercial.

Afterwards, the Saudi Consul for trade affairs was among the delegation members and said: Our aim is to make Kurdistan beneficiary with exporting adequate produce in terms of quality and price. We have a number of project for the near future like we are planning for opening a direct flights between our country and Kurdustan Region, and opening a branch of a bank in early 2022.

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