You are here: ErbilChamberEconomyEconomic BlogItems filtered by date: Saturday, 15 April 2017

Erbil: On 10/4/2017, a joint meeting held in the Chambers conference hall, attended by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Ali Dolamari the representative of KRG in France, Mr. Alexsandar the deputy consul general of France in Erbil Mr. Zubaer Mayyi the head of the French companies and representatives of 13 French companies working in the fields of construction, industry, agriculture and trade and a number of local businessmen. 

At the outset, the president of the Chamber thanked the government and the people of France for their continuous support for the government and the people of Kurdistan. 

He emphasized that, the relations between Kurdistan and France are at a good level and the Kurdistan Chambers have a good relationship with France chambers. 


He indicated that, right now there are more than 30 French companies operating in Kurdistan Region, who think the number is few and we hope to see more of them. 

Also, he hoped that Kurdistan Region could benefit from the French technology and industry.

Then after, the deputy consul of France made a statement thanked the French Consulate General and the Erbil Chamber for arranging this meeting and emphasized on the continuation of support from France to Kurdistan. 


And, Mr. Zubaer Mayyi introduced the members of the delegation, he said that this visit has arranged by the France Consulate and the Kurdistan-France Friendship Association. He promised they will continue in this activities and they are in contact with Erbil Chamber to arrange a visit for a Kurdistan trade delegation to France. 

During the meeting, Mr. Ali Dolamari also talked about efforts to evolve trade relations with France, he said that France is the only state that signed the understanding memorandum with Kurdistan Regional Government for multilateral corporation including the trade relations.

The representative of KRG, disclosed that in September this year a conference will be held for French investors and companies to address the reconstruction of liberated areas from ISIS. 

Although, he said that currently there are  number of joint projects between the two sides, a project between Erbil and Paris cities will come into effect soon.

At the end ,B to B meeting unfolded between the participants. 

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