You are here: ErbilChamberEconomyEconomic BlogItems filtered by date: Sunday, 23 April 2017

Erbil: The World Bank in Corporation with the Kurdistan High Council for Women and other relevant official bodies poised to implement a project for the empowerment of women in running businesses, providing the job opportunities in the markets. 

  A delegation of the World Bank included Ghassan Khoja, Gharani Qastalani and Zhin Mukhtar accompanied by a delegation from Kurdistan High Council of Women convened at the conference hall of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry. During a Seminar, held for the delegation Ms. Gharani Qastalani an Expert in The World Bank gave a lecture about how the women could be involved in the businesses .

Although, Ms. Pakhshan Zangana the Secretary of the High Council of Women talked about the importance of the project and the readiness of the Council to support it 

Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of the Chamber expressed willing to support the project .

The representative of the Social Affairs Ministry and a number of Board members of the Chamber attended the Seminar. 


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