You are here: ErbilChamberEconomyEconomic BlogItems filtered by date: Monday, 24 April 2017

Erbil: On 5/4/2017, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, received a delegation of Albaraka Bank was including Mr. Bearish Costin the director, Mr. Nawzat Bayraqdar the assistant director and Mr. Arkan Oghur the Services manager.

 The guest delegation made clarifications about the activities of their Bank in Erbil, and the steps they intend to go to develop their services to the Kurdistan population in general and the traders in particular. 

The president of the Chamber, hoped them success and forward steps. 

Published in news
Monday, 24 April 2017 09:48

To the local Companies and Industries

Erbil: On 15-18/5/2017, a private exhibition for the local products will be held at the exhibitions gallery, this will be an opportunity to the local factories to showcase and advertise for their products. 

The Erbil Chamber for Trade and Industry announces local companies to participate in that exhibition and worth mentioning that in the sideline of the exhibition a number of seminars and meetings to be held over the obstacles and the problems of the factories and private sector companies.

(Notice: Those companies and factoring who are willing to participate in the exhibition to contact the Erbil Fairs Company to fill out the forms) 

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