You are here: ErbilChamberEconomyEconomic LawsItems filtered by date: Friday, 23 February 2018

Erbil: On 19th Feb, 2018, in the presence of Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Head of the Polytechnic University of Erbil, Parliamentarians, Academic and Farmers Union, a workshop held under the name of ( The Obstacles on the way of the Agriculture sector Development in Kurdistan Region). 

Dr. Kawa Sherwani the Head of the Polytechnic University made a statement in the name of the Ministry of Higher Education, focused on the key challenges on the way of the development of the Agriculture in the Region. 

Then, Dr. Khayat gave the speech of the Chamber, made clear in it the Chamber is seeking corporation with the relevant establishment for diversifying the sources of revenue in the Region. 

The Workshop included Five panels, they drew a number of conclusions to be recommendation would submit it to the Kurdistan Regional Government. 

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