You are here: ErbilChamberEconomyEconomic NewsItems filtered by date: Sunday, 23 August 2015

Erbil:  On 11.08.2015 , Dr.Daraa Jalil Khayat the president of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry , received a delegation of UN Office of Project Services(UNOPS) headed by Dr. Harry Hamlis  the adviser of executive office . 

In  a meeting attended by a number of board of directors members and the director of Business Information Center .Dr.Hamlis said that thier visit is aiming at finding the ways to support Kurdistan REgional Government and private sector ,financially and technically .specifically in the 

fields of energy ,service ,health ,sewage and garbage .

He continued to say that ,this is the first time to visit the chamber , since ,the Chamber is the representative of private sector we need it is support that is why we need to continues visits .

From his side  Mr.Khayat expressed the readiness of the Chamber t help them ,and he show willing to help any effort aiming at Kurdistan Infrastructure    reconstruction. 

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