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Dr. Khayat receives the Indian Consul General in Erbil

Published in news Sunday, 22 April 2018 10:41

Erbil: On 19th March, 2018, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, received Satia Versng, the Indian Consul General in Erbil, and Jandar Barkash, the accredited trade attaché in Erbil. 

The Indian diplomat visited the Chamber to discuss the possibility of expanding commercial relations between Kurdistan Region and the India, especially, in the field of health. 

The president of the the Chamber welcomed the guest warmly, wishing that this visit would be a major entry point for the development of trade relations between the two countries. He also expressed his full support for all initiatives in the interest of the two friendly. 

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