You are here: ErbilChamberNews An Online meeting for further strengthening Commercial relations with Finland

An Online meeting for further strengthening Commercial relations with Finland

Published in news Saturday, 24 April 2021 10:23

  Erbil: On April 20th, 2021, a virtual meeting went on between the Erbil Chamber of Commerce, and Industry and the Finnish Chamber. 

Dr. Dara Jalil Knayat the President of the Erbil Chamber represented the Erbil Chamber in the meeting and Shirin Zaki the head of the Kurdish- Finnish Friendship Association and the coordinator of the meeting attended the discussion. From the Finnish part Timo Vori, the administrator of the Finnish International Chamber of Commerce and the Deputy Manager of the Finnish Chamber and a number of businessmen attended the discussion. 

At the outset of the meeting, each one of the Finnish participants made a speech. They spoke about the importance of the meeting and focused on the promotion of relations and holding joint conferences in the future. 

 Dr. Khayat, expressed his happiness for holding this meeting, considered it as important in making the commercial ties stronger between Erbil and Finland. 

Dr. Khayat, cast light on the trade and economy sectors and the suitable atmosphere in the Region for investment.

Dr. Khayat spoke about the activities of the Chamber and its relations with the world chambers, he hoped to build the same relations with the Finnish Chamber and to start exchange delegates in the future and also organising seminars and meet-ups for the both side businessmen. 

At the end of the meeting, he hoped the Finnish businessmen participate in the international fairs of Kurdistan, the Finnish goods are famous in the word for their high quality, and since a long time, the Finnish wooden work is has it’s fame in the world.   


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