You are here: ErbilChamberNews The Belgium Antwerp Chamber To Implement Several Projects in the Region

The Belgium Antwerp Chamber To Implement Several Projects in the Region

Published in news Wednesday, 08 September 2021 07:37

Erbil: On 6th Sep, 2021, a delegates from the Belgium Antwerp Chamber which was includes Jel Swenites, the director of international affairs of that Chamber, Luke Van Loviern, the consultant of the European relations, visited the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry and received by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Vice President  Soran Abu Bakir and a number of board directors of the chamber. 

In a meeting, both sides discussed the relations between Erbil and Antwerp Chambers, increasing the exchange of delegates and the participation of the Belgium companies in the investment in the Region. 

The visiting delegation spoke about the certain aim of their visit which was carrying out three projects in collaboration with the Erbil Chamber. They illustrated them in a presentation: 

-        Handling garbage and taking care of the new generations.    

-        Taking care of organic agriculture. 

-        Providing support to women and their empowerment. 


Holding a Forum In The Chamber For Activating Trade with Turkey


Erbil: On 13th Sep 2021, a commercial delegation from Turkey was included, representatives of 40 companies and businessmen which were represented different sectors of businesses, presided by Nawaf Klitch, the president of the Association of Industrialists and International Businessmen visited the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and received by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Soran Abu Bakir Aziz and a number of board of directors of the Chamber. 

At the outset of this forum, which was attended by a number of the owners of businesses of Erbil, Soran Abubakar Aziz the deputy president of the Chamber made a statement, said: The delegations exchange and participation in the forums and meetings and conferences and international exhibitions between Kurdistan Region and Turkey attained a good level. We are as the Erbil Chamber have signed memorandums of understanding with a great part of the Turkish Chambers. 

The deputy president announced that: The volume of trading exchange between Kurdistan Region and Turkey is big. After Germany, Kurdistan Region is the second-biggest importer of Turkish goods, nearly 3000-3500 trucks are coming into the Region and going out to Turkey through the international gate of Ibrahim Khalil on daily bases. 

 He said that; during this time, the Kurdistan Region needs building up factories and advance the sector of agriculture. We call the Turkish companies to uptake this opportunity and we will support them. 

He hoped that Turkey would help to facilitate visa procedures for the businessmen and citizens of the Kurdistan Region. 

The head of the Turkish delegation said: Kurdistan Region is an important counterpart of Turkey and the amount of trading exchange between us is big.  We are looking forward to reach the level up to 50 milliards on annual basis with Iraq generally.    

Klitch said that: since 2013, our contractors have been capitalised on nearly 5 milliards in Kurdistan Region. He pointed out several problems for example; visa difficulties, using Iraq country as the transit spot for the Turkish tracks, the procedures of permitting the Turkish tracks to go to middle and southern Iraq with their plates. According to him, these aforementioned problems are difficulties on the way of augmenting the amount of mutual trade. He hoped to be solved out soon. 

He wished also, the establishment of a railway between the Kurdistan Region and Turkey soon and to have daily, direct flights between all the Turkish cities and Kurdistan Region soon. 

Finally, the Turkish and Kurdistan companies introduced their businesses, they discussed a number of critical commercial issues between the both sides.


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