Erbil: On , On 05/14/2013 Mr. Soran Abu Bakr Aziz, Deputy Chairman of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in his office has received a delegation from SwedishGlobal –LTD company specialized in the field of real estate, banking, insurance, headed byKurdish businesswoman Ms. Diana Pao Straw, who lives in the Diaspora (Sweden), Mr. Vice-President of the Chamber appreciated this visit, then stressed that the Kurdistan regionopens its arms to embrace the experiences of expatriate Kurds hope that these communitiesto enter and invest in their homelands Market , (Iraqi Kurdistan) and take advantage of the Investment Law No. 4 of 2006, which grants large privileges to investors, also gaveclarification on how to register companies or commercial foreign banks, and stages to bebypassed and the willingness of the Chamber to provide a helping hand in order to serve the interests of both parties, and in the end , Ms. Diana thanked Mr. Vice-President of the Chamber for the warm reception and the willingness of the chamber to provide unlimited support their Company.