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Erbil: On 17 October, 2019, in Milan city of Italy, Mr. Ibrahim Sophi the deputy president of the Chamber and other representatives from the Chamber participated in the third Arab-Italian Forum of Chambers of Commerce which took place in attendance of the Ministers of Trade of Jordan and Qatar, in addition to the Italian Deputy Foreign Minister. Italian and Promos Association the representative 6000 Italian companies, and the foreign minister of Italy.

 The forum intends to promote the trade and investment exchange between the Arab countries and Italy, especially in southern Italy,  also Salloum Barda which representing 6,000 Italian companies and Promos association attended the forum. In a speech made by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Italy, who spoke on Italian companies operating in Iraq and Lebanon and his country's desire to increase the number of companies in the future to strengthen economic relations between Italy and Arab countries. 


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