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Erbil: On 24 February, 2020, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat, the President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry received The person in charge of The Trade Department at the South Korean Embassy in Baghdad. 

In a meeting attended by Ibrahim Sofi and Mala Majeed Surchi, members of the board of directors of the Chamber. 

The Korean official said that when the Kurdistan Region businessmen and investors want to establish business with Korea in any sector, they have to contact us for providing them with all facilitations. 

And, he said that they will send the table of all the international fairs in Korea to Chamber, to be known to businessmen and companies in case they would like to take part, and they are also welcome to participate in the commercial activities of The Korean Agency for Development, Trade and Investment (KOTRA). 

Dr. Khayat, thanked the Korean delegate and he said that they are welcome to participate in the Erbil International exhibitions also, and there are a large number of Korean products agents, they need more support and facilitations from them. 


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Erbil: On 10 February, 2020, Soran Abu Bakir Azizi, reci vand d a delegate from Anatolia businessmen headed by Yaqub Yeldirm, the head of the organization in Konya in Turkey. 

The delegate came to discuss the business ties promotion between the both sides, particularly in the fields of investment and Industry. 

The delegate accepted the invitation of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry to come for signing a memorandum of understanding between the both sides and holding Business meetings. 

The deputy president of the Chamber, expressed happiness for this development. 

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