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Erbil: on the period of 23-26 / 11/2015 ,Mr. Soran Abu Bakr al-Aziz the  Vice President of the Erbil  Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,was visited Sweden at an official invitation of the Sweden Chamber of Commerce  , where he met Mr. President of Sweden Chamber  to discuss the of increasing and the possibility of cooperation between the two chambers  urged Swedish companies to do bussienss inKurdistan Region to take advantage of the investment law, which gives a lot of privileges and facilities for foreign companies .

 The vice president of Erbil Chamber wished the Swedish companies to invest in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, also met with head of municipality of the Cotton Burke province to discuss ways of cooperation of Swedish businesses with their counterparts in Kurdistan , stressing the importance of opening a Swedishconsulate  in Erbil to facilitate communication between Kurdish traders and Swedish.

As he visited the representation of the Kurdistan Region or the same purpose and was received there  by President of the Representative Office  Mr. Shoresh Qadir  ,they discussed the growing economic situation in Kurdistan and the role of the Representative Office in  and encouraging  of Swedish companies to start business in Kurdistan Region .

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Erbil :On 23-24 / 11/2015,under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Anibal Cavaco Silva, President of the Republic of Portugal, under the supervision of the League of Arab States and the General Union of Chambers of Commerce and Agriculture for Arab Countries,  the  Third Arab- Portuguese Economic Forum was held in Portugal  .

The Forum dealt with the construction , public works, infrastructure and aggro-food, tourism and real estate .

The forum attended by two delegations from Iraq, the first: General Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, headed by Jaafar al-Hamdani, and the second headed by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat President of the Kurdistan Federation of Commerce and Industry .

The Kurdistan delegation met with  businessmen and owners of Portuguese business interests to , urging in the meetings ,the presence of Portuguese companies in the economic arena in Kurdistan  .


The delegation Invest this conference to meet with the former President of Portugal, Dr. George Sanbayo which touched on how to work for the building of  economic relations with the Kurdistan Regional ,in a way that serves the economy of the two countries and ways to improve them.

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Erbil: On 18.11.2015 ,Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat The President  of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry  received in his office  a delegation from the Arab -Viking  Chamber of Commerce ,headed by Mr. Gustav Krove, who visited the Chamber  to get the conditions and information that enable them to open a branch in Erbil.

Mr. President of the Chamber welcomed the idea and the guests and wished them success ,he hoped that this is the gesture of a new bridge for commercial communication between the Kurdistan Region and the Scandinavian countries,while the volume of cooperation is not at the required level for the time being, at the same time urging the wider  Scandinavia presence in the Kurdistan in the trade and economic fields .

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