You are here: ErbilChamberNews Erbil Chamber of Commerce & Industry condemns the treacherous attacks on the city of Erbil

Erbil Chamber of Commerce & Industry condemns the treacherous attacks on the city of Erbil

Published in news Tuesday, 16 January 2024 09:06

Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, representative of the private commercial sector, strongly condemns the treacherous attacks launched on the city of Erbil from time to time, the most recent of which was the attack on the night of 16/15/2024, which targeted residential neighborhoods of safe civilians, which led to a number of martyrs and innocent wounded, we ask God to have mercy on the martyrs and a speedy recovery to the wounded. Among the martyrs was the family of an Iraqi Kurdish investor, and targeting residential neighborhoods are a violation of international laws and norms. We call on the United Nations and other concerned international organizations to work to stop such attacks that would terrorize the civilian population and stop the development and stability of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.


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